Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter hit me between the Eyes

Yesterday was Easter. Easter is by far for me the most important holiday of the year. It is the day we celebrate Jesus conquering death and rising from the dead to fulfill Scrpitures and thus giving me hope. Paul says in 1Corin. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins......If in Christ we have hope, in this life only we are of all people most to be pitied." then further down in the same chapter he says "For this perishable body must put on imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality."
This year Easter hit me square between the eyes. Every year for 30 years I have been sobered and humbled by the amazing work that was completed not only on Calvery but three days later. I am awe struck that MY God isn't a statue made of wood or stone but a God who took on my sin, stood in MY place and conquered death so that I may spend eternity with Him. It is the most amazing feeling. But this year, this year was different. There was still the awe inspiring feeling of the Grace bestowed on me but this year, yesterday, I was hit with the impact of what the Ressurection means to Chloe. Not only will she meet her Saviour face to face but the first words she will ever speak will be to Jesus. The first unaided confident steps she will take will be on streets of gold. Her life here sucks, it is pure torture to see and hear but not be able to communicate. To feel the sand between her toes but never be able to run down the beach. My heart aches for her. But then I step back and He reminds me that " All flesh is like grass and all it's glory like the flower of the grass. The grass withers and the flower fails, but the Word of the Lord remains forever." 1Peter 1:24-25
We are only here for such a short time. It seems so long but really it's fleeting. Unfortunately it's shorter than most for Chloe. But because my Savior lives, my daughter will walk, she will talk, she will breath without problems and her mind will calm down and not seize. And for that reason, Easter isn't about bunnies and colored eggs (which we do because it's super fun), it's the clinch pin, the corner stone of my faith. It's the reason I have hope and can make it through the day without crying. And if Jesus isnt the Son of God and He wasn't raised from the dead, then I more than anyone should be pitied. Because that means Chloe really will never ever ever talk, never ever ever walk. She will always be trapped in an unwilling body. Praise God, He rose. Because He walked out of the tomb my daughter will walk with Him. Because He cried "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you." Chloe will be able to cry "Abba, Father, all things are now possible with you!"
Happy Easter Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Good word! I have been so impressed with the fact that Jesus' death swallowed up death and conquered it. For those who believe there is no death. When we pass this life we enter into a much richer, fuller Life. There is absolutely no experience of death for the believer, it is merely a transition from one realm of life to a greater.
