Monday, September 19, 2011

This is the first post I wrote after we found out....

A mother knows. A mother knows there is something wrong when she looks in the eyes of her newborn. She knows when her precious baby doesn't hit milestones or reach for her in the the "clingy" stage. A mother knows when her gut and instincts all scream "SOMETHING ISN"T RIGHT" And a mother knows when she would give all that she has to be wrong.

Today I got the call that ended the searching phase we have been in since roughly November 2010. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought that I had solved the puzzle. I didn't want to be right. I wasn't. I suppose I should have felt relieved. Some people start the searching phase and end up being in it for years. I didn't.

Rett Syndrome. two words that changed our lives forever. I had heard of it, once or twice I have scanned the symptoms only to quickly dismiss it. The outcome isn't good. But the blood test came back and it's Rett Syndrome. I honestly don't know much about it. I know more about it now than I did 24 hours ago though. Here's what I know, but seriously if you want to know more then I strongly urge you to go to and look up Rett Syndrome.

It's rare: only 1 in every 10,000 to 25,000 live births result in a Rett Syndrome birth
It only affects girls with I think 2 exceptions ever. the reason is long and technical and has to do with X and Y chromosomes.
Unlike Angelman Syndrome which affects the chromosomes, Rett affects a single gene.
Rett Syndrome isn't degenerative but it is regressive. (I'm still fuzzy on the difference)
Rett Syndrome will eventually take my baby's ability to walk and crawl away.
She may learn to talk eventually but even that will be taken from her.
There are 4 phases of progression with Rett Syndrome
Early Onset Phase- she will stop developing
Rapid Destructive Phase-she will lose or regress learned skills quickly,* this phase is the hardest to swallow. It breaks my heart over and over* Purposeful hand movement and speech are the first to be lost......
Plateau Phase- regression slows. Seizures and movement problems are common in this stage. and most girls spend the majority of their time here
Late Motor Deterioration Phase- girls with either become stiff or lose muscle tome and some become immobile.

The reality of this is washing over me in waves of grief. Our life will never be the same. We are thinking about the future and trying not to be scared but we know that we need a house that is more open and handicap accessible. We will need a van that is modified to help us. And we need a communication device so we can communicate with Chloe. the list could go on and on. For now I will just have to take sleep. I will write again sooner than last time.

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